Anthony Esolen

Restore Culture by Restoring the Imagination | Anthony Esolen

The Western Tradition & Our Intellectual Inheritance | Anthony Esolen | Conference of Miletus 2024

St. Augustine's Confessions | New Translation by Anthony Esolen

The Kids are Not Alright w/ Dr. Anthony Esolen

Why Society Depends on Strong Men (w/ Anthony Esolen) | The Catholic Gentleman

The World Over May 19, 2022 | TRUE MASCULINITY: Anthony Esolen with Raymond Arroyo

A Paradise Within | Anthony Esolen

Commonplace Quote - Anthony Esolen’s Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child

Guestsplaining 007: Anthony Esolen on Catholic Poetry

Shakespeare vs. Dante: Who Wins in a Cage Match? | Anthony Esolen

An Interview with Professor Anthony Esolen

The Life You Save: Co Keynote Anthony Esolen followed by Q&A

Language in Our Time - Writer's Chat with Dr. Anthony Esolen

Anthony Esoleon and 'To Read a Work of Art, to Enter Another World'

The Merchant of Venice | Anthony Esolen

Anthony Esolen – It is not Good for the Man to be Alone: Education and the Garden of Marriage

124: Anthony Esolen is a Baller

Anthony Esolen On Lamenting Modernity

'What is an Epic?' by Anthony M. Esolen

Restoring Traditional Virtue | Anthony Esolen

The Roots of Western Civilization: The Ancient World • Anthony Esolen • Trailer

Anthony Esolen and 'Masterpiece Christmas: To Read a Work of Art'

Highlights: An Interview with Professor Anthony Esolen

Wonder and Imagination- Dr. Antony Esolen, Authenticum Lecture Series